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Saturday, December 6, 2008

VolumePills and your lifestyle – how to get that maximum effect

So you have decided to buy VolumePills. My sincere congratulations on an excellent purchase that is sure to make the difference for you and your family. You are one step away from rock-hard erections, better orgasms and more ejaculate, a combination that will have your partner coming back for more time and again. If you’re reading this, then you probably want to know more about VolumePills and how this amazing product will affect your personal and social life.
The “dos”

The first thing you should know is that your chosen lifestyle may have certain effects on the attempt to improve your sex life. The amazing VolumePills contains ingredients, such as Arjuna, Taj and Safflower, which promote blood flow and lead to an increase in libido. Erections depend on how much blood reaches the penis and can be trapped within the sponge-like tissues called Corpora Cavernosa. By promoting blood flow, VolumePills decreases the penis response time to sexual stimuli and helps it maximize the blood inflow.

This means that you will have to take care of your circulatory system. If you are not exercising on a regular basis, then you should make some time to drop by the gym every other day. Don’t start thinking that you have to exhaust yourself on the training machines. It’s nothing like that. What you need most is cardio training, like running on the treadmill. The basic idea is to get your cardiovascular system in shape and keep it fit for action. Sex is the equivalent of an intensive workout, which is why your heart and blood vessels must be up to the task.

Exercising is not only good for the heart, but will also replenish and boost your energy. As the body gets used to more effort and a higher demand on its resources, it produces more and more energy. In this manner, exercising will make you an energetic person and give you a positive outlook on life. Effort also forces the body to release more endorphins into the bloodstream than usual. Endorphins are the substances that make you feel happy and satisfied after a good orgasm. They are the “feel good” chemicals that your body produces naturally.

After every gym session your body will ask for food in order to replenish the energy lost through effort and also to heal itself. On the other hand, a highly satisfying sex life also requires that certain foods be made part of your daily meals. Fortunately, the list is long enough to leave plenty of room for experimentation and to avoid boredom.


The first substance that must become a regular part of your diet is zinc. This trace mineral is instrumental in your overall well-being and for the proper functioning of your body, not to mention the production of testosterone and sperm. VolumePills contains a significant quantity of zinc among its ingredients, but you should supplement it by eating oysters, beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and whole grains. The second substance is Vitamin B6. This vitamin is tied to the libido for both men and women and the main features of B6 deficiency are depression, lower libido and insomnia. The best foods for B6 are breakfast cereals, baked potatoes, bananas, chicken, pork, trout, tuna and spinach. Vitamin E is another substance linked to sex and reproduction. Pregnant women have as much as 150 percent more vitamin E than non-pregnant women. The best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ and fish. And last on the list is vitamin C. This amazing vitamin is one of the key substances in our bodies and is involved in the production of tissues. Studies have shown that testicles contain 10 to 50 times the quantity of vitamin C found in the blood. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables.

And after all that exercising and eating there’s nothing better than putting your feet up and relaxing. That’s right, the third thing you must do in order to maximize your sex life is to relax. Stress has a huge negative impact on your sex drive and is likely to spoil everything. Actually stress is one of the major gates by which the “don’ts” could enter your life.
The “don’ts”

Now that we’ve spoken at length about the “dos”, let’s meet the “don’ts”. Simply put, the “don’ts” are what used to be called vices; bad habits that bring a host of negative effects in their wake. Curiosity, stress, depression and other such things act as gates by which vices enter and settle into your body and mind.

First is the use of recreational drugs, none of which being particularly beneficial for sex. Sure, it’s nice to be high and have sex at the same time, but there is always a price to pay. Aside from the depression and loss of libido that inevitably follow the high period, most drugs has physical side effects that do not go well with a satisfying sex life. Cocaine, for instance, increases blood pressure and heart rate and prolonged use of this drug leads to heart failure, stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. Cocaine users are seven times more likely to die of a heart attack than non-users. Ecstasy is known to cause a breakdown in skeletal muscles and irregular heartbeat. Heroin locks the user into his own consciousness and sex becomes an unpleasant proposition.

Smoking is not a good idea for sex. Nicotine clogs the arteries and negates the positive effects VolumePills has on the blood flow. Erections become smaller and smaller in time and the sex drive wanes. Smoking also damages the lungs and makes the user less likely to sustain the physical exertion demanded by sex. It interferes with the use of zinc by the body, which is plain bad for your sex life.

Another bad habit is drinking. Most people know that alcohol and sex don’t mix at all and that the result of alcohol binges is known as a “limp noodle”. Although a glass of a quality drink before sex has never hurt anybody, the idea of jumping into bed after downing a six pack is bad. Alcohol also interferes with the production of testosterone.

Eating to excess is yet another bad idea. Stress, depression and other psychological problems can lead to excess eating and obesity. It’s hardly necessary to say that obese people are less likely to find partners for sex. Aside from being unattractive, obese men cannot sustain the effort involved in sex. So keep an eye on your diet. You wouldn’t want to spoil everything by eating food that your body doesn’t even need, nor use.
The bottom line

The bottom line is that VolumePills can provide you with all the nutrients you need to have the best possible sex. It has minerals and herbal ingredients that promote blood flow, increase the production of testosterone, raise the energy level and maximize sperm production. It is up to you to supplement these amazing ingredients with a lifestyle that helps the pills to achieve maximum effectiveness so as to make the best of your purchase.


Friday, December 5, 2008

What is better, pills or exercises?

What is the better way to enhance the penis size, pills or exercise? That is the question that has been bothering men for years.

Throughout the centuries, men have always yearned for a bigger penis size. It is a given that not all men are endowed with the gift of a big and thick penis. If someone has a big penis, he is always considered as the man of all mans in his community. Those who did not receive this gift are considered as boy who is not yet matured. They are always mocked, bullied, and laughed at for their considered imperfection, even though it is not their faults.

Most men nowadays have average or even small-sized penises, but it does not mean they are immature. They don't have to feel sorry for it because that is hereditary. As a result, they keep on inventing exercises, devices, herbal medicines that can remedy their problem.

The penis exercises have been popular among men who have small sexual organs, and it goes back to centuries. The most common of these exercises is jelqing. Stories say that this technique originated from Arabia and often practiced by men who are about to get married. To please their future wives, they do this exercise. These exercises commonly called milking or power jelqing.

This exercise is believed to increase the length and girth of a penis. All you have to do is massage your penis for at least 45 minutes per session. In jelqing exercises, it usually takes up to 45 minutes to finish one session. Despite that, people still practice the exercise in hopes of achieving their dream size.

Even though jelqing is a natural way to increase penis size, jelqing exercises can also damage your penis when you put too much pressure on your organ. Too much of these exercises is not good and can damage the penis. One common disorder after jelqing is temporary erection damage, which will require you to stay away from sex for a while. When the penis gets exercised too much, it usually changes color, and this is as sign that you should consult your doctor.

Pills have also been invented to remedy the penis problems of men. Scientists, doctors, and even nutritional experts have worked together to create the best and effective penis pill. Instead of the usual chemical ingredients, they have used the method of eastern medicine to create an all-natural pill. Its ingredients are usually made from plant extracts and herbal medicine, which is guaranteed to have no side effects on the body. Men can easily absorb the pills because of its edible components.

When choosing the pill that is right for you, make sure that they are made from natural ingredients. The chemically-composed pills, with ingredients manufactured from laboratories, usually contain components that may harm the body if used.

Pills and exercises can definitely increase the penis size. However, if a man takes the penis pills and also do some jelquing exercises, the results will be achieved quickly. The secret is just to keep the balance. Avoid overdoing the exercises because it may damage the penis, and do not keep on taking more pills as prescribed by the instructions. If you follow everything and do it right, you can achieve the length and width you have been waiting for in a short amount of time.